An expression of who I have always been

Beginning in my earliest childhood I have always found immense joy in the natural world. Whether that be wandering down forest paths, wading in the river, or sitting in a clover patch with a good book. As I have gotten older I have had the pleasure of travelling further and further to experience some of the most breathtaking natural wonders this world has to offer. As splendid as these adventures have always been, I still enjoy simply sitting in my garden and watching the bees meander from flower to flower. The more I have seen, the more I begin to contemplate the minute, infinitesimal aspects of nature that together become the massive, rolling landscapes of grandeur.
Messenger Moth Studio is an expression of my ever growing desire to fully appreciate both the large magnificent panoramas of our world, as well as the equal magnificence of a moths wings, or the veins of a leaf. The incredible small things that make up the incredible big things. The creations you find here are my attempt to express and share with you my awe at all of these natural wonders, and to bring an awareness of the human experience, a profoundly spiritual one, found in how we connect therein. I hope you can feel it too.

"Earth is crammed with heaven, and every common bush afire with God,
but only he who sees takes off his shoes." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning


Simply by Being

